
Integrative Oncology Support

Integrative oncology support focuses on optimizing the function of the entire body during cancer treatment by modulating immune function and altering the body’s microenvironment to one that discourages cancer growth. It is paramount to address all levels of wellness including the physical, emotional and energetic systems during cancer treatment, recovery and prevention.

Dr Tenney strives to educate and empower her patients to become actively involved in their fight against cancer. She uses a combination of evidence-based complimentary therapies to support and augment conventional treatments. These can include functional medicine modalities, botanical and nutrient supplements, diet and nutrition counseling, supportive IV treatments, and emotional therapies. Dr Tenney individualizes each treatment program, working with patients in all phases of a cancer diagnosis.

Chronic Disease Recovery

Multi system disorders such as chronic lyme disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, toxic mold illness, and chronic viral infections are becoming more and more common. These complex conditions can present with general yet debilitating symptoms such as fatigue, pain, mood alterations and hormonal changes. There are often multiple contributing factors to the development of these illnesses and they can impact every system in the body, making diagnosis elusive. Dr Tenney has developed an effective approach to these chronic conditions focusing on identifying and treating all microbial and toxic factors, optimizing detoxification pathways, modulating inflammation and re-engaging the immune system. If the blocks to healing are removed and the system is supported, recovery is possible.

Hormone Balancing

Our hormonal endocrine system is a grounding force within our body that impacts every aspect of our wellbeing. Hormone dysfunction can lead to increased inflammation, immune system inhibition and neurotransmitter depletion. This can result in symptoms such as anxiety and depression, frequent illnesses and joint pain, in addition to the common symptoms associated with menopause and andropause. Dr Tenney is an expert in the use of bio-identical and botanical hormone therapy to optimize the adrenal, thyroid and sex steroid systems for both men and women. Healthy aging is created by proper hormone balance, becoming a foundation for health and vitality.

Naturopathic Gynecology

Dr. Tenney approaches gynecology from the same holistic perspective that she approaches all health and wellness issues. Vaginal and reproductive health are reflections of overall system balance and vitality. A hormonal system will become compromised when there is excessive toxicity and stress within the body. Dr Tenney works with many gynecological issues including annual and well woman exams, abnormal pap smears and HPV infections, chronic and acute vaginal and urinary infections, sexual dysfunction, and contraceptive counseling.

Bioresonance Analysis

Bioresonance Analysis of Health is a comprehensive medical system that utilizes the principles of quantum physics and molecular biology to identify hidden causes of disease and dysfunction. This information allows Dr. Tenney to formulate and fine tune highly specific and personalized programs of treatment. The visionary physician who developed this system, Thomas K Sculz, MD says, "This precise medical system enables the practitioner to decode the information pertaining to all aspects of health within a patient. It is like a truthful conversation with the patient’s intelligence."

Medical Consultations

Dr. Tenney has extensive experience, knowledge and insight into how disease and dysfunction occurs in the body. Your comprehensive medical consultation will examine the complex interconnections between personal and family history, symptom presentation, genetic and epigenetic influences, toxin exposure and other data relevant to your case. This information will be combined with detailed functional laboratory and resonance testing to determine what is preventing your body from healing itself. From this in depth understanding, true health can emerge.

  • Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
    — Hippocrates
  • The groundwork of all happiness is health.
    — James Leigh Hunt
  • Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
    — Albert Einstein
  • The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.
    — Hippocrates

“Dr. Kate is truly a facilitator of health within the individual. She not only treats the whole person, but helps the individual gain an inner understanding, awareness and trust of their body and mind. This care for the patient is something that comes from her heart. She has provided me not only with health, but with tools that I will carry with me throughout my life as a woman, and a mother. I am forever grateful.”


“I am now 9 months into treatment and I have to say that Dr Kate Tenney has changed my life to one of healing and true empathy! The first time I saw Dr Kate my husband had to carry me up the stairs on his back as I was in a wheelchair...then a walker, to a cane and now I can practically run up the stairs with no help! ”


“I wanted to say how thankful my family is to have found you. Two years ago my daughter wasn’t able to celebrate Thanksgiving, and last year she was still very ill. This year she was vibrant and full of life. That is because of you and your knowledge, and more importantly your kind heart. You listened to us and looked at the who picture and you cared. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”


“Dr. Tenney is amazing. After 9 years of struggling with peri-menapausal and post menopausal issues, she has set me on the right path. I sleep normally again and have more energy than I have had in years. Her bio-identical knowledge is spectacular and I am so grateful for getting a quality life back. Thank you!”